Project Selection

Ensuring transparency in the selection process, the ACF by majority decision shall approve applications for disbursement of funds based on the following criteria:

  • Management skills, experience and credibility
  • Number of persons who would be influenced/ affected
  • Sustainability
  • Under-funded and fits the above criteria

In order to be eligible for funding applicable projects must address at least one of the features of positive youth development domains.

Areas include:
  1. Skillbuilding
  2. Youth Engagement and Contribution
  3. Healthy Relationships and Bonding
  4. Belonging and Membership
  5. Positive Norms Expectations and Perceptions
  6. Safe Space
  7. Access to Age Appropriate and Youth Friendly Services; Integration among services

Project Allocation Restrictions

  • The maximum amount to be disbursed by the ACF for any project shall be EC$30,000.00.
  • Funds disbursed by the ACF to any project, must not exceed 80% of the budget of the applicant.



The ACF after selecting a project to fund shall prepare an agreement in writing to govern the relationship of the ACF and recipient of such funds.  This agreement shall indicate the schedule for the disbursement of funds and ensure that the recipient report regularly to the ACF and submit financial reports or any other necessary reports.

Grant Information

Show Children You Care

To positively affect the life of the children and youth in our community, by creating an environment that is conducive to learning, growth and contribution, replete with community and family support, and free of violent and negative coercive forces.