
Advancement of Children Foundation
Donations Help
To positively affect the life of the children and youth in our community, by creating an environment that is conducive to learning, growth and contribution, replete with community and family support, and free of violent and negative coercive forces.
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Make A Donation
Make A Donation
Donations to the ACF assist in our being able to support very positive and worthwhile ventures that seek to better the social profile of our young male and female citizens.
Here's How

Sponsorship Levels
Sponsorship Levels
Sponsorship level criteria are as follows:
Titanium - Platinum - Gold - Silver - Donor
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Titanium - Platinum - Gold - Silver - Donor

List Of Donors
List Of Donors
The Foundation is registered under the Foundations Act 2003 which will enable it to raise monies locally and abroad for its work.
Thank You
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