‘Board’ with Good Governance and Accountability? Topical Challenges in the NGO Sector
Daniel Diaz Vera, PhD Researcher, Global Development Institute Over recent decades, good governance has been seen as one of the key mechanisms for NGOs to

Advancement for Children Foundation Finds a Path to Sustainability
“Because of the Local Capacity for Local Solutions [LCLS] training interventions, we are now positioned to create sustainable change in the landscape of NGO development

About The Advancement of Children Foundation
The Advancement of Children Foundation, known as ACF is an organization to positively affect the life of the children and youth in the community by

Annual Charity Golf Event
Today, I am pleased to highlight our Annual Charity Golf Event, a proud tradition of celebrating partnerships and giving back to our communities across the

ACF Funds Three Community Projects
The Advancement of Children Foundation (ACF) is happy to announce that they have just approved and funded three worthwhile community projects in St. Kitts-Nevis at

ACF Funds Local Basketball Project
The Advancement of Children Foundation (ACF) has agreed to provide funding to Pemberton’s Basketball Hoops Academy/Reach One Teach One Basketball Camp (ROTO), an organization whose